NEWS: Law’s Bake Shop Class Hosts “Cake Wars” Competition

(Photo by Gemard Guery)

By Gemard Guery – Editor-In-Chief and Editorial Editor

Jonathan Law’s Bake Shop class recently participated in a Cake Wars competition. 

Students in the class were able to bake cakes for a panel of teachers to judge and vote on which cake won. 

The competition, run by Mrs. Ryan, came after Bake Shop  students wanted a more competitive aspect to their class.

In the Advanced Culinary classes, we have one or two competitions each semester,” Ryan said. “Students in the Bake Shop classes wanted this component added to their class as well.”

The competition serves as a fun way for students to better apply concepts learned in the class. At the same time, students are given complete creative control over what cakes they want to bake and how it can look. It was a challenge that allows students to take their baking talents to the next level.

“I love to bake as a side hobby,” senior Bake Shop student Kayla Nastasia said. “So, the Bake Shop class was a fun class for me to experiment and learn more about baking.”

Students could testify that the competition served as a phenomenal learning experience. They were forced to plan out their cakes and manage their time efficiently in order to ensure cakes were ready for the judges.

“Being able to learn how to put the pieces together and how it all comes together was cool and a good learning experience,” senior Kaitlyn Goldberg said.

The students were also joined by special guests during the semester who could share their expertise with the students. The class then utilized these skills in the creation of their cakes.

“My decorating skills could use some improving, so I have asked others to give demos on decorating before the competition,” Ryan said. “A former Law student who is now at the Culinary Institute of America, and Stanley Hair, a MPS employee with a successful side hustle in baking have accommodated us each semester. I become the student when I watch their demos.”

While the competition was fierce, the winners were Nastasia and Goldberg who made a vanilla cake with raspberry filling and pink frosting. The judges loved their cake as well as some lucky students who were given the opportunity to try it.

“After the cakes were judged, we were able to take them home so I split it with my partner and shared the cake around with my friends at lunch,” Nastasia said. “I personally love to share I made with people to try and they really liked the cake.”

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