5 QUESTIONS WITH…Senior Captain Grace Hess About The Law Softball Season

(Photo courtesy gametimect.com)

By Haley Stroffolino – Social Media Editor

Grace Hess is a senior captain for the Law softball team which has started the season with four straight wins. Advocate Social Media Editor Haley Stroffolino interviewed Hess about the spring season.

Haley Stroffolino: What are you most looking forward to this season? 

Grace Hess: I’m looking forward to this season the most is definitely senior night and the post season especially states!

HS: What are your goals for this year’s season? What do you want to achieve with the team? 

GH: My goals for this year’s season is to just give a 100% and make the underclassmen feel welcomed and a part of the team and to be a good captain and just be there for everyone. For the team I want us to make the championship again and win it this time.

HS: Can you describe the team dynamics and how you all work together?

GH: The team dynamics is that we are all close and everyone on the team is friends with one another. We work together by always being there for each other and always helping each other out and making everyone better overall.

HS: How has playing softball for four years influenced your personal growth and skill development? 

GH: Playing softball for four years has influenced my personal growth and development and it helped me come out of my shell. Like freshman year I was kind of shy and didn’t talk much. Now I embrace talking a lot and just growing to who I am as a person in general.

HS: Do you have any advice for someone who wants to balance playing a sport and studying nursing?

GH: My advice for someone who’s trying to balance a sport and studying nursing is to never procrastinate. Always do your work when you get it. It may seem a lot but it will pay off in the end and you have to keep going.

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