5 QUESTIONS WITH…Advisor Mrs. Evans About Law’s Multicultural Club

(Photo by Isla Concepcion)

By Isla Concepcion – Staff Reporter

Mrs. Evans is the advisor for Jonathan Law’s Multicultural Club. She is also a freshman English teacher at Law. Advocate Staff Reporter Isla Concepcion interviewed Evans about the club’s upcoming plans.

Isla Concepcion: What is the most rewarding aspect being the advisor of Multicultural Club?

Mrs. Evans: I’m enjoying being the advisor to the Multicultural Club because it gives me the opportunity to get to know more Jonathan Law students, ones I don’t see in my classes daily. 

IC: What is your favorite memory of the club this year?

ME: I enjoy the meetings when students and I just talk – about our lives, our families, our backgrounds, cultures, likes/dislikes, etc. When it is casual and informal, I find students open up quite readily. That has been rewarding for me. 

IC: What is the most interesting aspect of the Multicultural Club?

ME: The Multicultural Club is a group of self-motivated students who want to learn from one another. I think that’s what learning is all about. 

IC: What is one piece of advice you have for freshmen joining Multicultural Club?

ME: Advice for freshmen? Hmm…a club like ours is for everyone. No one group or demographic is focused on…everyone is. Students share what’s important to them and, naturally, we all learn how to become better listeners and more empathetic humans.

IC: What do club members do at weekly meetings? 

ME: Our meetings are once a week in my room (Room 197) and we just talk, or plan for future events, or present information about our own backgrounds.

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