5 QUESTIONS WITH…Senior Treasurer Maya Markowitz About The National Honor Society’s Giving Tree

(Photo courtesy Maya Markowitz)

By Bobby Black – Staff Reporter

Jonathan Law’s National Honor Society is sponsoring the annual Giving Tree which helps provide gifts to children in need. Advocate Sports Editor Bobby Black interviewed senior National Honor Society treasurer Maya Markowitz about the holiday fundraiser.

Bobby Black: What is the Giving Tree?

Maya Markowitz: The Giving Tree is a tree located in the main lobby area. It has gift requests from children of Bridges Healthcare hanging on the branches so that each donor can directly donate to the child. 

BB: What communities are being helped from the National Honor Society by doing the Giving Tree?

MM: Bridges Healthcare has a program that works with children and families. They provide mental health and support services to those in need. 

BB: Why do you think projects like these are important?

MM: Projects like this are really important in the Law community because it allows students to become hands-on with community service. 

BB: How can students support the Giving Tree?

MM: Anyone can just grab a tag off of the tree and bring it back with a gift. 

BB: Are their more events that the National Honor Society will do in the future?

MM: In the future, the National Honor Society will be working towards our biggest fundraiser, which is the Brain Bowl.

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