5 QUESTIONS WITH…Co-Advisor Mrs. Trombetta About Law’s New Spanish Club

(Photo courtesy Cindy Bone)

By Cindy Bone – Staff Reporter

This year, Jonathan Law has several new clubs, including the Spanish Club which is advised by Mr. McPartland and Mrs. Trombetta. The Spanish Club has hosted many activities so far including helping with Brainsgiving. They hope to have many more activities throughout the year to help students get involved in the school. Advocate Staff Reporter Cindy Bone interviewed Trombetta about the club.

Cindy Bone: How has it been co-advising the Spanish club with Mr. McPartland?

Mrs. Trombetta: It has been really fun. Mr. McPartland is great to work with and I am looking forward to all of the awesome activities we will be facilitating together.

CB: How did you feel when you saw how many people showed up for the first meeting?

MT: I was so incredibly happy to see how many students showed up and who have since shown an interest in being part of our club. 

CM: What is one thing that you wish for the club?

MT: I wish for all students to have an enjoyable time this year as members of our club in which they learn more about culture through exposure to real life experiences. 

CB: As a Spanish teacher at law, how similar or different has it been teaching classes and advising the Spanish club?

MT: It has been similar because I am still a facilitator for learning, but different because we have more freedom and less structure in the Spanish club as far as what we do and when we have to do it.

CB:  How have your classes been this year? Is there anything you hope to see happen with your classes? 

MT: My classes have been great. I am super impressed with my freshman classes who have come in with incredible background knowledge and motivation. I hope all of my students leave with an increased knowledge of the Spanish language and culture, and also more confidence to communicate.

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