5 QUESTIONS WITH…Key Club Bulletin Editor Harshitha Kothapalli About Fundraising

(Photo courtesy Harshitha Kothapalli)

By Layla Alogna – Staff Reporter

Key Club is one of the largest clubs at Jonathan Law. The club is a great opportunity for students to get involved in their community and gain volunteer experience. Harshitha Kothapalli is the Bulletin Editor for Key Club, which has hosted fundraisers recently including the Thanksgiving Food Drive and a kickball tournament for Camp Sunshine. Advocate Staff Reporter Layla Alogna interviewed Kothapalli about Key Club and their fundraising. 

Layla Alogna: What is Key Club?

Harshitha Kothapalli: Key Club is an international organization meant to teach students leadership and service to others. Key Club also presents students with volunteer opportunities and gives them many life skills.

LA: Where and when does Key Club fundraise?

HK: Key Club fundraises throughout the school year and even the summer through organizations like the Salvation Army and local volunteering jobs.

LA: How can students get involved with the club?

HK: Students are always free to join Key Club and come to our meetings which are Thursdays at 6 p.m. in the TLC. However, to become an official member you have to pay $20 dues which also allows you to go to the district conference at the end of the year.

LA: Where does the fundraiser money go?

HK: The fundraiser money goes to many different organizations depending on what we’re fundraising for. For example, we fundraise for UNICEF through boxes we ask students to place in highly populated areas asking people to donate to a good cause. We also fundraise for Camp Sunshine through our annual kickball tournament.

LA: What are other upcoming events?

HK: Some upcoming events are our Salvation Army fundraisers where we raise money in front of Stop & Shop. We also sell poinsettias during the winter season. We just recently also had Cupcake Wars to raise money for UNICEF which we plan on doing again.

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