NEWS: Math Teacher Ms. McColgan Announces Retirement After 19 Years At Law

(Photo courtesy Kayla Markowitz)

By Kayla Markowitz – News Editor

Geometry teacher Ms. McColgan announced she is retiring this school year after 19 years of teaching in the Math department at Law.

McColgan is a passionate teacher who will be missed by the students, staff, and faculty at Law. She shows her devotion in the classroom every day and is a caring mentor to all students. 

“Ms. McColgan is the type of person who is the first to arrive each day and the last to leave,” Law Principal Mr. Darcy said. “She is dedicated to her craft and it shows in the classroom.”

McCogan is excited to start a new chapter of her life but will deeply miss the faculty at Law.

“I will miss being surrounded by people who are always willing to help, to listen, to give advice, and to make me laugh,” McColgan said. “I will especially miss my Geometry co-teaching team and my colleagues in the Math Department.”

McColgan has made an impact on many of her students during her time here. In the classroom and in the halls, students can always turn to her for help. 

“Throughout this year, McColgan has shown me how to improve my skills and how to grow as a student,” sophomore Ava Ambrusco said. “She is so sweet, understanding and most importantly a really great teacher.” 

McColgan has picked up some lessons during her career on how to be the best mentor for her students. 

“I have learned that it is best to be flexible and patient, along with being a good listener,” McColgan said. 

During retirement, McColgan is excited to connect with her family and spend some well deserved time to herself. 

“I look forward to visiting my daughters out West, gardening and working on projects at home,” McColgan said.

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