5 QUESTIONS WITH…Senior Connor DiMuro

(Photo courtesy yearbookavenue.com)

By Amelia Mower- Staff Reporter

With the end of the school year approaching, members of the senior class are finalizing their post high school plans. Senior Connor DiMuro got involved in high school through playing on the soccer team and joining various clubs and activities. Advocate Staff Reporter Amelia Mower interviewed DiMuro to discuss his future plans. 

Amelia Mower: Where are you going to college?

Connor DiMuro: I am going to Arizona State University.

AM: What are you majoring in?

CD: I am majoring in Political Science. 

AM: What are you doing to pass the time at home?

CD: I am watching a lot of Netflix and just driving around.

AM: What is your favorite Netflix show or movie that you recently watched?

CD: I thought “Django Unchained” was pretty good. 

AM: What do you want to say to your fellow classmates and teachers?

CD: I would like to say this whole thing isn’t the best but hopefully it will be over soon and thank you to the teachers for still teaching us over the internet. 

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