5 QUESTIONS WITH…Senior Nicole Manley

(Photo courtesy yearbookavenue.com)

By Alexis Broderick – News Editor

Nicole Manley is a senior at Jonathan Law High School. At Law, Manley devoted her time to the Natural Helpers Club, played soccer, and is a captain of the softball team. Aside from being involved in so many extracurricular activities, Manley found a way to succeed academically as well. Advocate News Editor Alexis Broderick interviewed Manley about her future plans.

Alexis Broderick: Where are you going to college? 

Nicole Manley: I will be attending Salve Regina University 

AB:  What are you majoring in? 

NM: I will be majoring in Psychology with the plan to become a Occupational Therapist. 

AB: What are you doing to pass the time at home?

NM: To pass time at home I’ve been working out, watching Netflix/YouTube and learning how to bake and cook new things. 

AB:What is your favorite Netflix show or movie that you recently watched?

NM: A Netflix show I recently watched that I liked was “Outer Banks.”

AB: What do you want to say to your fellow classmates and teachers?

NM: Something I’d like to say to my fellow classmates and teachers is that I will miss you. I wish we could get just one more day at school. You all have impacted my life and I cherish all of our moments in high school forever. Hope to see you all soon!

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